Juridisk support

Legal Support

Operations and Digitalization

With legal support, your company can improve the management and digitalization of contract and compliance handling. Legal support provides you with software, clear processes, and data-driven decisions that make your legal work more agile, efficient, and proactive, leading to greater integration with the business. RESOLVA can assist you in all aspects of legal operations – both by advising on opportunities for operations and digitalization and by aiding in implementation.

Want to learn more about legal support?

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Out solutions

Improved Contracts and Processes

Operational Legal Support and Implementation

Tech Screening & Fit-for-Purpose Recommendations

Strategy and Roadmaps

We identify and implement modern solutions that enhance the efficiency and value creation of your legal function

Improved Contracts and Processes

Make your contracts user-friendly, modern, and clear, and leverage the potential of new software solutions (legal tech):

  • Simplification of templates using legal design
  • Design and creation of modern, clear, and visual contracts
  • Optimization of contract processes with or without the inclusion of legal tech, such as CLM systems
  • Development of playbooks and structuring of processes for collecting data on contracts and negotiations

Operational Legal Support and Implementation

Obtain specialized and experienced legal support for implementation and change processes to revamp operations and digitalization:

  • Project management
  • Change management
  • Flexible resources for implementation or project preparation
  • Assistance from legal consultants / legal engineers with experience in legal operations, digital transformation, and legal tech
  • Best practices

Tech Screening & Fit-for-Purpose Recommendations

Gain an overview of solution possibilities with legal tech and receive help in selecting and implementing the right fit-for-purpose solutions:

  • Screening and recommendation of solutions tailored to your needs, desires, and budget – for a simple and clear decision-making basis.
  • A curated database of selected suppliers and solutions – benchmarked against the market on functionality and price.
  • Tech screening of solutions such as contract management, CLM, eSignature, document automation, matter & spend management, AI, GDPR, and other compliance solutions, and workflow/automation.
  • Shortlisting and dialogue with suppliers about price, terms, processes, etc.
  • Facilitation of demos and testing.
  • Full independence – RESOLVA does not take commissions from suppliers and passes any discounts on to you.

Strategy and Roadmaps

Get started with digital transformation for Legal, and avoid costly errors:

  • Legal advisory and analysis of current needs, processes, and tools.
  • Identification of pain points and bottlenecks, as well as gaps between the status quo and long-term goals.
  • Composition of Legal’s optimal service model to support the business.
  • Recommendation of possible initiatives and measures within digitalization and operations.
  • Prioritization and planning of measures adapted to the company’s strategy and roadmap.
  • Change management – ensuring change and embedding it effectively.


Legal support from out "Legal Operations," often abbreviated to "legal ops," is a relatively new field within legal services focused on optimizing and streamlining legal work. This area includes a variety of functions such as project management, technology utilization (including Legal Tech), budgeting and financial management, vendor management, and data analysis. The goal of legal operations is to enhance the productivity and efficiency of legal departments and legal service providers by implementing best practices and innovative solutions.

Legal operations employ a range of tools and technologies to improve the efficiency of legal service delivery, including:

  • Contract Management: Streamlines the entire lifecycle of a contract, from creation to renewal or termination, making the process faster and reducing the risk of errors.
  • Document Automation: Simplifies document creation using centralized and updated templates.
  • AI: Used for reviewing and analyzing contracts to identify risks and unusual or unacceptable terms.
  • Project Management and Data Analysis: Solutions for managing legal projects and analyzing large data volumes.

Most companies can greatly benefit from legal operations by following a step-by-step and strategic approach.


Initial steps may include:


  • Assess Current Processes: Begin by reviewing and assessing existing legal processes to identify bottlenecks and areas where technology can enhance efficiency.
  • Set Clear Goals: Define clear, measurable objectives for what the company aims to achieve with legal operations, such as cost reduction, improved response times to legal inquiries, or enhanced risk management.

Contact us to learn more about how we can assist you with legal support.

Resolva insights

RESOLVA Law – Bank & Finans

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

RESOLVA Law – Bank & Finans

RESOLVA LAW – Bank & Finans tilbyder fleksible outsourcing og konsulentløsninger via specialiserede finans- og compliancejurister med mange års praktisk erfaring fra advokatkontorer og den ...

Den Fleksible General Counsel

For virksomheder, der ikke allerede har fastansat en senior jurist med bred erfaring, kan en Fleksibel General Counsel være en omkostningsbesparende måde at sikre højt ...

Fordelene ved specialiseret juridisk rekruttering

Hvis du er leder af en juridisk funktion, så ved du alt om, hvor vigtigt det er at have samlet det rigtige juridiske team. Derfor ...

Fleksibilitet, skalérbarhed og færre omkostninger: En introduktion til juridiske konsulenter

Hvis din virksomhed har behov for juridisk support, kan en løsning med juridiske konsulenter være en mulighed. Vi dykker ned i, hvordan juridiske konsulenter kan ...

Hvad bør du overveje ved overgang fra advokatrollen til virksomhedsjurist?

For mange advokater kan det være en fristende tanke at komme tættere på forretningen, blive en integreret del af et firma og træffe større beslutninger. ...

Legal design: bedre og brugervenlige kontrakter

I denne Insights undersøger vi hvad Legal Design er, og hvorfor det er afgørende for at skabe en positiv brugeroplevelse, der opbygger tillid hos kunden. ...

Legal Design og Design Thinking

Med legal design er fokus på, hvordan juridiske ydelser kan gøres bedre ved at tænke på, hvordan det arbejde, som vi som jurister laver, bliver ...